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Aug 29th, 2018

Kitchen Organization Tips


The kitchen is one of those rooms many of us love to hate. Even the perfect design requires us to sift through drawers of endless stuff to find a single item, be it a spice or utensil. But thankfully, with little effort and planning you can turn your junk heap of a spatula drawer into a light, space filled area that’s uncluttered and a joy to be in. To help give you a few ideas for organizing your kitchen space, check out this list of tips and tricks for helping declutter and spruce up.

Pot Rack

Always clumsy to store, pots can be well organized using a hanging rack. A handrail and several S-hooks will turn a few square feet of wall into a convenient rack for kitchenware. Handrails are better than towel bars for the job as they support more weight. Find out more.

Sort Utensils

With some cheap mason jars, you can clean up that willy nilly tong and spatula drawer once and for all. Paint them, label them, and put them on the counter to sort spatulas, ladles, whisks, and more. Check it out.

Use Risers

Give your cabinet twice as much surface space with a coated metal riser and/or separator - stuff fits on top, between, underneath, and it can be used for just about any kitchen item. Learn more.

Label Frozen Foods

The average freezer has piles of random, unsorted, asymmetrical bags and containers in it. Take a second to add a label, even with simple sharpie, to your freezer items with name and date. It’ll save time and help you know when to toss old items. Read more.

Magnetic Fridge Spices

The fridge is another magnetic wonderland of unused space. Pick up some magnetic spice jars to free up needed cupboard space, and keep spices in view during cook time. Learn more.

Hazelview hopes this list helps give you some ideas for how to better organize your kitchen. For more information about Hazelview Properties in your city, please visit our website.