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Jul 17th, 2017

Petiquette 101: How To Keep Your Pet Cool In Summer


Summer in Canada can be sweltering. Because of their fur, high summer temperatures can leave your pet in distress and unable to cool down. Learn how to keep your pet cool and safe this summer with these tips from Hazelview.


Keeping your pet's coat trimmed can make a big difference to their internal temperature in the heat of summer. However there is a double edged sword here. Dog breeds that have an undercoat (that layer of hair that keeps them warm in winter and cool in summer) can be harmed by cutting. With these breeds it’s better to give a good regular brushing to thin out the animal’s coat. The start of summer is the ideal time to groom your pet for ease of maintenance, and maximum cool. Be aware that too short of a cut can open the animal up to sunburn depending on their exposure to the outdoors and direct sun.


We've all been guilty of forgetting to fill the water dish for our pets. Pets need constant hydration in the heat of summer in order to stay cool, especially if they’re active. Add a second dish to give you a visual reminder to add more water. Be sure to check your pet’s main water dish daily, and consider putting an extra bowl out in another location of the house for easy access.


While time consuming for owners, and typically not enjoyed by most animals, baths are a sure fire and immediate way to cool down. While dogs tend to rebel, and cats scream bloody murder, in the end they feel better for it on a hot day. Of course some dog breeds are swimmers and love a good dousing (like the Golden Lab). For water hating pets even a little shower with the garden hose can cool them off on a hot day.

Walk Them At Low Temperature Times Of Day

While cats and birds and other smaller species will naturally 'hibernate' at high heat times of day, owners can choose when to walk their dogs. In summer it's wise to walk your dog during cooler times of day. Mornings and evenings are ideal for most dogs.  Restricting walks to early morning and late evening will help your pets to stay cool (or at least not overheat) while still getting the exercise they need.


What's good for humans can be good for animals. Air conditioning in the hottest months of summer keeps us and our pets cool and comfortable. Imagine wearing a thick fur coat on even a mildly hot day and you’ll get a glimpse into your pet’s typical summer day. Using your AC or turning on a fan can help your pet stay cool on those super hot, dog days of summer.

Don't Leave Pets In The Car (With Windows Up)

Never leave your pet in the car with the windows rolled up. On a hot day this amounts to torture. There's more than one folk tale of a pet suffocating in a parking lot. If you have to go out on a hot, sunny summer day, leave your pet at home. If you must take them, be sure to leave the windows down, and try to bring them a dish of water.


Hazelview hopes these tips help you keep your pet cool this summer. For more information about Hazelview Properties in your city, please visit our website.